Jerry writes:
Hi Pete,
I’ve been reading your blog posts and you’ve convinced me to go with mattresses that have latex instead of memory foam.
I’ve done some researching online and have found a variety of mattresses in different price ranges. Something tells me that there’s more to know about all of this.
Can you tell me why and what to look for?
Thanks, Jerry
Hi Jerry,
The difference is between “Pure” and “All Natural”.
The cheaper latex comes from China, where they add clay to the mix during processing. With clay being a natural material, those mattresses are sold as using “All Natural Latex”.
Not only does the clay filler lower the cost, it also shortens the life of the material. In having to replace it more frequently, it’s actually more expensive to use than “Pure Organic Latex” which has no filler.
Pure Latex is All Natural, but All Natural isn’t, necessarily, pure.
Pure, Organic and Hypoallergenic Latex is the superior product and provides the consumer with the best possible value.
We specialize in mattresses that are upholstered with Pure Latex.
The least expensive is offered by Eco-Terra.
Their Hybrid Latex Mattress is on sale and comes with a 90 night trial and free shipping.
Shown here:
Eco-Terra Hybrid Latex Mattress
If you need a foundation for either of these mattresses, we have a couple that I recommend.
The Magniflex KD Foundation is the dressier of the two.
The Rize EZ Foundation is the better value for your dollar.
Both, shown here:
Also recommended is a waterproof mattress protector, which prevents perspiration from seeping into the upholstery materials.
Keeping your mattress clean and dry and will enhance the longevity of your mattress and keep it odor free.
Sleep & Beyond Organic Cotton Waterproof Mattress Protector
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