Simmons Beautyrest Mattresses for Beach Rental Property.

 Julie writes:

Hi Pete,

What mattresses would you recommend for a short term beach rental property? We are replacing 2 queen mattresses and 4 twin mattresses.

The two queen mattresses are Simmons Beautyrest Westbury which have been comfortable and held up well over the years but the time has come to replace all mattresses with an equivalent mattress. 

Your input will be appreciated. 

Thank you, Julie 

Good Morning Julie,

Equivalent isn’t possible, as Simmons was sold in 2016.
All Simmons Beautyrest mattresses are now upholstered with memory foam.

Memory foam is specifically designed to wear much more quickly.
It’s a temperature sensitive material that reacts to your body’s heat.
It sleeps hot, allows your body to sink into the mattress and off gasses the toxic chemicals from which it’s made. It’s a horrible product…the worst thing ever invented by this industry. All of the name brands have been sold since 2013.
All are using memory foam and are far lower in quality than they had been.

Your mattresses were upholstered with polyurethane foam, primarily.
Almost no mattresses are using poly foam today, as it was inexpensive and lasted a long time. 

What made a Beautyrest mattress unique at the time you bought those, was the individually pocketed coils that provide firm but contouring support that maintains the natural alignment of your body and spine.
That coil system was so popular, that it’s now available from almost every mattress manufacturer.

Pure, organic and hypoallergenic latex foam is and has been the highest quality upholstery material for the last 100, or so years and is widely available today.
Polyurethane was invented in the late 1960s.
Memory was invented about 25 years ago.

Having said all that, we sell nothing with memory foam.
All of our innerspring mattresses use individually pocketed coils and latex foam upholstery. So, you will be able to replace your mattresses with something similar in terms of support, comfort and longevity.
Given the limited use they’ll be getting, all of my recommendations will serve you well for decades.

Most economical:
The Eco-Terra Hybrid Latex Mattresses.
These are available in Medium and Medium-Firm.
These mattresses arrive via UPS.
Use this link to view and place your order:
Heads up: this post includes affiliate links. If you click and purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products I have personally vetted.

If you require white glove delivery service, we have a bit higher grade that comes with that type of delivery, which also includes removal of all your old mattresses.
The Williams Kingston Plush Mattresses are also a bit more comfortable.
Shown Here:

Williams Kingston Plush Mattress

Normally you’d want to replace your old boxsprings, as well…assuming you have them, as opposed to platform beds.

Putting a new mattress on an old boxspring will immediately void their manufacturer’s warranty. 

However, since yours have been used only a few months out of the year, it’s a good gamble that you’ll be ok using them. I recommend rotating them before putting your new mattresses on them.

If you’d rather replace your old boxsprings, you have a couple of options:

Most economical:

Boxsprings from Costco, Sam’s Club and Big Lots are the least expensive, but you would have to go and get them. Delivery is not available.

Our Magniflex KD Upholstered Foundations are a bit dressier…available in Black, Gray or Brown and available in two heights: 5” or 8”.

They assemble quickly easily with no tools needed, and are very strong.

Shown Here:

Magniflex KD Upholstered Foundations

Also recommended is a waterproof mattress protector, which prevents perspiration from seeping into the upholstery materials.

Keeping your mattress clean and dry and will enhance the longevity of your mattress and keep it odor free.

Sleep & Beyond Organic Cotton Waterproof Mattress Protector 

Delivery is free and there’s no sales tax.

Everything arrives within a couple to a few weeks.

Delivery/Tracking information is provided as each item ships.

Final Thoughts:

Having been in this business for more than 50 years and watching the name brands go from being quality based to profit based companies, I hate to see perfectly good older mattresses being discarded simply because they are old. If your mattresses are still providing you with a supportive, comfortable night’s sleep, they don’t need to be replaced.

If still supportive but less comfortable than they once were, you can breathe new life and comfort into them by simply adding a latex topper.

Latex for Less has the lowest prices on the highest quality, pure latex mattress toppers anywhere.

2” of Soft Latex will do an amazing job of making you comfortable.

If going this route instead, I recommend getting the optional cotton covers to go with them.

Here’s the link for those:

Latex for Less Pure, Organic Latex Mattress Toppers

100% Natural Latex Mattress Topper | Latex For Less

Thanks, Pete - TME

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