I bought a Tempurpedic mattress, It makes my back hurt.

Rebecca writes: 

Hi Pete,

I bought a Tempurpedic mattress, about a month ago or so ago.
This mattress doesn't feel like it did to try in the showroom.
I'm sinking into it and it makes my back hurt.
The salesman told me that this mattress is ideal for relieving back pain.
(I guess they will say anything, just to make the sale).
What can I do about this?
Thank you, so much, for any help you can offer.
Hi Rebecca,
You're right about the average salesperson.
The problem with your mattress, is the memory foam.
They talk about that junk as if it were the best thing since sliced bread, when in fact, it is the worst upholstery material ever invented. 
Memory foam softens as it warms from your body heat...something it didn't get a chance to do, when you tried it in the showroom.
After a month, or so, memory foam loses a lot of its original comfort and support...as you have learned the hard way.
Fortunately, the memory foam is only on top. 
It is supported by high density polyurethane foam, which is not temperature sensitive and won't soften from the heat your body radiates.
Flip your mattress over, which will bring the firm poly foam to the top and bury the worthless memory foam.
The underside is a whole lot firmer than the top.
It may be too firm to sleep on comfortably, but your back will recover.
Use whatever you may have handy, like a comforter, to soften the surface.
Here is a long term surface comfort solution.
Add a Suite Sleep 3" Pure Vita Talalay Latex Topper to the flip side of your Tempurpedic mattress.
Latex is and has been the best, most supportive, most comfortable and longest lasting, upholstery material for the last 100 years. Nothing has come along to match the quality of Pure, Natural Latex.
Here is a link to that:

You can order, securely, online.
FedEx Delivery is free
Thanks, Pete 
You Should Know 
Using an old box spring to support any new mattress will cause premature wear and void the manufacturer’s warranty.
A waterproof mattress protector will extend the life of a mattress by keeping the upholstery materials clean and dry.
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