Stearns and Foster Edgefield Mattress is Still Going Strong.

Bridget writes: 

Hi Pete,

I’ve been reading your very helpful pieces on the Stearns and Foster Edgefield. 
I currently have this mattress, bought in 2001!  It is still going strong.  
It's such a shame to see that the Cadillac options hardly exist anymore.
And that the industry has turning to junk.  
So, my question is prompted by the fact that I’m moving in a couple weeks.
I was going to give away this mattress because 20 years seemed to be the right time to give it up. 
That option based on best practices and hygiene and all that.  
Should I keep it instead, because it’s still fine, comfortable, and there’s no point in replacing it until
something actually feels wrong/bad?
Regards, Bridget

Hi Bridget,
We do carry a high quality line of mattresses that are every bit as good as the old S&F. 
They aren’t cheap and can’t be found in most stores.
Shown here:

We had been a Sealy/S&F dealer for many years prior to Tempurpedic buying them and turning them into junk.

When you actually need a new mattress, come back to see me about it.
Now is not the time.

Rotating your mattress and using a waterproof mattress protector to keep it clean and dry will go a long way to preserving the mattress you have.

Thanks, Pete

Keeping your mattress clean and dry will increase its longevity.
We recommend our Organic Cotton Waterproof Mattress Protector. 



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