Simmons Beautyrest Pinnacle Mattress.

Terri writes:


Hi Pete,

What is your opinion on a Simmons Beautyrest Pinnacle mattress? 
Does it have latex or memory foam?
Thank you, Terri

Hi Terri,
No Simmons Beautyrest mattress, made today, is worth buying.
But, they’re not alone. The same is true of all the, so-called, name brands.
It's the memory foam upholstery that makes them worthless.

The store, where you saw that mattress, will have a full list of specifications.
I’m sure they’ll be happy to share that information with you.

We recommend using a waterproof mattress protector with every mattress.
Keeping the upholstery materials clean and dry will extend the life of the mattress.

Thanks, Pete
Phone: 856-874-6894
