Allergic to Dust Mites. Mattress Encasement.

Alice writes:

 Hi Pete,

I'm allergic to dust mites and am interested in a mattress encasement for that.
Do you have one that you recommend?
Thanks, Alice

Hi Alice,
Dust mite mattress encasements are fear-based products that do nothing to relieve your allergy to dust mites.
Dust mites collect at the surface of the mattress, as they feed off of your dead skin cells, which you shed while sleeping.
A dust mite encasement does absolutely nothing to prevent this.

Change and launder your linens more frequently, and vacuum the mattress when stripped.
THIS is what will keep your dust mite population to a minimum.

The encasements are designed to keep the dust mites from getting into your mattress.
This, too, is a waste of money. The foams used in today's mattresses, create a hostile environment for dust mites.
It's not like in the old days, (prior to 1970), when mattresses were upholstered with cotton batting.
THEN, dust mites would get into the mattress where they would live and breed.

Not only is a mattress encasement a worthless waste of money, it's a total PITA to get it on....and all for nothing.

We recommend using a waterproof mattress protector with every mattress.
Keeping the upholstery materials clean and dry will extend the life of the mattress.

Thanks, Pete
Phone: 856-874-6894
