Larry writes:
Hi Pete,
I have been studying about inclined bed therapy.
According to their web site my wife and I both could improve our health if we follow their advice.
Their advice is to raise our mattress up at the headboard to achieve a 5 degree incline from footboard.
My health problem is acid reflux. My wife has a breathing problem unless her head is not elevated.
Night after night she sleeps in a recliner.
My question is, "Could we benefit by purchasing a full length bed wedge?".
We need one to raise the headboard 7 1/2 inches to achieve the 5 degree requirements.
Our mattress is queen size with box springs. If so, do you sell wedges or make recommendations.
Perhaps I should purchase an adjustable bed frame and eliminate the box springs.
Also, maybe we could benefit by one of your 2 inch latex toppers.
Looking forward to your advice!
Thanks, Larry
Hi Larry,
That’s excellent advice, you were given.
The full length wedge between the mattress and foundation is your best and most efficient way to go about it.
The adjustable bed base is a waste of money for your use.
With the head up, your sleeping positions are limited.
You won’t be able to sleep on your side.
With the wedge, you can sleep in any position.
Here is a link I found on Amazon for full length wedges:
The Latex Toppers are strictly for surface comfort.
If you need more in the way of surface comfort, add an EverEden 3" Soft All Natural Vytex Dunlop Latex Topper.
Shown here:
The Latex Toppers come with Free UPS Delivery and there's no sales tax.
We recommend using a waterproof mattress protector with every mattress.
Keeping the upholstery materials clean and dry will extend the life of the mattress.
Phone: 856-874-6894
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