Packaging for my Latex Mattress was damaged in transit

Diana writes:

Dear Sir,

I purchased an expensive king-size latex mattress a couple of years ago.
This year, I arranged to have it shipped to France (where I am now living). 
It arrived a short while ago, and I noticed that the strong bubble wrap, in which it had been packaged, had been noticeably ripped open in one area.
This has left a section of the mattress exposed - for a period of up to 4 months (while it was in transit).
The latex mattress itself has not been ripped, but I am concerned about the health implications of continuing to use this mattress.  
Is there damage that might have occurred to the mattress, which I cannot see with my eyes, due to this exposure while in transit from Australia to France?
A colleague suggested I send you an email to ask whether, in your opinion, it might be worthwhile noting this latex mattress in my insurance claim with the shipping company.  
In other words, would I need a new latex mattress and/or for my current latex mattress to be professionally cleaned somehow?
Your help and kind advice in this matter is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards, Diana 

Hi Diana,
Latex doesn't damage easily. It's pretty tough stuff.
Unless you have physical damage that you see to report, I wouldn't worry about hidden damage.
That likelihood is remote.
Of course, if it needs to be cleaned, as a result of getting dirty in transit, then it to the shipping company.
That is something they should pay for.

Thanks, Pete

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