Forever Foundations, A boxspring that won't break.

Tina writes:

Hi Pete, Wanting to know what kind of box spring to put under the mattress that won’t break. Thanks, Tina
Hi Tina,
Box springs breaking is not a common occurrence.
You must have run into some trouble, or you wouldn't be asking.
The strongest foundation, without equal, is The Forever Foundation.
Shown here:
About Forever Foundations Assembly Video Link Warranty Information Link Customer Service Link Imagine never having to buy a box spring and frame again!

Thanks, Pete

Important Note:
Moisture will cause mattresses to wear out faster.
Protect your mattress from accidents, spills & perspiration with our all natural silver infused cotton waterproof mattress & pillow protectors. They sleep cool and won't shrink when washed in hot water.

Phone: 856-874-6894
