An All Latex Topper for my Duxiana Mattress.

Michele writes:

Hi Pete, 
I have been searching for a 3" ultimate mattress topper for my full sized Duxiana. I can't afford their prices to buy a new topper so am
searching for an alternative. How long do yours last?
Do you have any that are covered? I use a mattress pad with deep pockets over the top to hold it place. I sleep side ways and on my back usually.
Have some neck and back issues, frozen shoulders.
Thanks, Michele

Hi Michele,
My wife and I have been using the same 2" Soft Talalay Latex mattress topper for 6 years and it's still like new.
What we offer is 100% pure, all natural Talalay latex, made in the US.
Our Toppers come in 2" and 3"...Soft, Medium & Firm.
I'd suggest the Soft in 2" or Medium if you're going with 3".
The Ever-Eden is our best value...using a cotton/polyester knit cover.
If you're interested in Organic...using a wool layer as a natural flame retardant and an organic cotton cover, we have those through Pure Bliss.
Here are links to both. In both cases UPS delivery is free and there's no sales tax.

Moisture from perspiration causes premature wear.
Protect your investment with high quality, Waterproof Mattress and Pillow Protectors that sleep cool and don't shrink.

Thanks, Pete
Phone: 1-856-874-6894

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