Hip pain, Simmons Beautyrest Shakespeare Firm, Soft Latex Mattress Topper

Jose writes:

Dear Sir,
Found your website and really enjoyed reading the different questions regarding mattresses and various issues people tend to have. I hope you can give me some advise with my problem.
I currently have a Simmons beautyrest shakespeare firm that was a replacement following another Simmons that started to sag and distort after only 2 and a half years. I started to experience pain in the left side and hip after about 2 hours after going to sleep. Actually I started to have this pain with the older Simmons. If I wake up around 2 or 3 hours after going to sleep  it's actually difficult to get out bed and walk. After 8 hours I still have the pain but it usually goes away after showering and getting dressed. It's become a vicious cycle. I might add, I have an adjustable bed and have tried various positions but still wake up with the left side/hip pain.
The only relief I get is by putting a small wedge pillow under my left side but that doesn't always help. I've been told of the sleep number, read up on the wink bed and noticed you advise the Talalay Latex topper. Given my issue, what do you suggest. Your help is greatly appreciated. 
P.S. I am 5'10" 250 Ibs and am concerned with lower back support and have had firm mattresses for quite some time. I had lower back issues and see a chiropractor bi-weekly for maintenance. Those older lower back issues haven't been a real problem in about 5 years.

Thanks, Jose
Hi Jose,
A body requires some degree of firm support for the spine, which your mattress provides.
A body also requires some degree of surface softness to cushion joints and relax muscles.
This, is what your mattress is lacking and why your hip hurts.
So, yes, a 2" soft Talalay latex topper will do wonders to relieve your hip pain and give you the depth and length of sleep that you are not getting now.
UPS Delivery is free and there's no sales tax.
The topper comes complete, in a very nice zippered on cover.
Here is the link, where you can view them and order on line.

Moisture from perspiration causes premature wear.
Protect your investment with high quality, Waterproof Mattress and Pillow Protectors that sleep cool and don't shrink.

Thanks, Pete
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