Talalay & Vytex Latex Mattress Topper Samples.

Sheila writes:

Hi Peter,
The samples that you so kindly ordered for me arrived last night.  Thank you for that.  I was sent a 2"x 12"x 12" piece of NI Talalay latex and a 3" x 12"x 12" piece of soft Vytex. 
Is the Vytex another name for Dunlop latex?  We have not made it out of town yet to "test" the "rest"!  I did try the samples on top of my bed - not quite the same as a full length
experience, I'm sure. I have MCS - multiple chemical sensitivity - so have to be quite careful with all that - even with the glues that are used to accommodate larger pieces of latex (queens and up).  Does the company you work with use chemicals in the glue?  Again, thank you for all the help to me and so many others.  Shall I return the samples to you?
All the best,
Hi Sheila,
No. Keep or discard the samples.
The Vytex is a new process. It's basically a Dunlop process with a couple of changes.
One, is a timing change, that does not allow the particles to settle.
The added freezing step, that makes the difference between Dunlop and Talalay, does the same job. Also, the allergen...the protein...is mostly removed in the standard Dunlop and Talalay process, making both latexes hypoallergenic.
In the Vytex process, more of the protein is removed, making it virtually allergen free.
Frankly, I don't know the great importance of this, as it is a topical allergy...meaning you have to be touching it to react to it...and that never happens when in use.
I imagine that it will be marketed as to put allergy fears to rest.
Also, the holes don't go all the way through on the Vytex latex. This design is to increase durability. Again, it seems unnecessary to me, given that latex is already the most durable upholstery material on the planet.
The glue has never been an issue to anyone that I know of. 
I've sold latex since my early years in this business. It's been the one constantly high quality material...and, without any complaints or negative side effects.

I hoped that those samples would help you and your husband to understand the product a little better, and to have your decision making easier.
Please, let me know if you or he have any further questions.

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