Pure Latex Bliss, 100% All Natural and Organic Mattress.

Kathy writes:

My husband and I are side sleepers who looking for a king sized mattress without memory foam, no chemical flame retardants  and medium firm. I would prefer a mattress that is completely natural and organic.
I am going crazy trying to compare mattresses. Your suggestions would be highly appreciated. FYI, my husband is 220 lbs and tends to  dent (body Impressions) plush mattresses very quickly.
Thank you in advance for any guidance. Kathy

Hi Kathy,
No easy trick, that. The mattress industry is sticking that memory foam junk in everything. Besides its poor performance in terms of losing support and durability, it's a health hazard to every living being in the home...off gassing the toxic chemicals from which its made. It seems that very few people are aware of the dangers of memory foam.
Luckily for you, you happened upon the right site.
We specialize in healthy mattress alternatives.
Pure Latex Bliss offers a few completely organic, all-natural latex mattresses.
Latex is and has always been the best type of mattress on the market...best for comfort, support and longevity.
They are extremely resilient and will hold up well over the years to come...even under a man your husband's size.
The fire barrier is all natural and organic wool...a natural flame retardant. 
Here is the link to those. Delivery is free and there's no sales tax. In addition, we offer an additional 10% off the prices shown.
I would suggest the "Eco" model for that medium firm feel that you requested.
pure LatexBLISS​ Natural Organic Talalay Latex Collection Eco Mattress
pure LatexBLISS​ Natural Organic Talalay Latex Collection Eco

Thanks, Pete
Phone: 1-856-874-6894
Email: themattressexpert@live.com

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