Stearns and foster ocean view villa firm latex mattress. Is it toxic?

Susan Writes:

Hello, I purchased a stearns and foster ocean view firm latex mattress, on the tag it says as one ingredient - polyurethane form, I have no idea if this is a latex mattress, or how toxic it is, I'm confused because of all the write ups on polyurethane and now have it in my spare room too afraid to sleep on it!!! Do you know anything about these mattresses, Ty 
Susan :)

Hi Susan,
Today's toxic product is memory foam. Poly foam has been used since the early 70s and is considered safe. Only when poly foam isn't cured properly when being made, is it toxic. 
That is evidenced by a very strong odor. If you don't have that odor, it's fine.
There is very little poly foam in that mattress...1" total. The rest of it is latex
It's nothing to worry about.


Thanks, Pete
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