Low End Simmons Beautyrest Mattress at Sleepy's

Stacy writes:

Thanks so much for your advice. 
I went into a Sleepy's store to get a feel for the Beautyrest mattress, and it felt good (comfortable and solid). I liked the individual coils, the firmness and the side support. But the one in the store was 9 inches thick, not 11 like the one on your site. The one I tried out was a Simmons Recharge firm model s16691 with striped ticking and no memory foam for $479. I have to say I am ok with a slightly thinner mattress unless there's a reason you can tell me 2 inches thicker lends it significantly greater structural integrity or something. I hate having to fight to get sheet corners to fit and my kid is still at the falling out of bed age.
Can you tell me how your mattress differs from the one I tried in the store please?
Thanks again,

Hi Stacy,
Large chain stores, like Sleepy's, sometimes have models made for them that are not available to the rest of us.
Usually, these exclusives take the form of a higher end mattress that they over price because they can...without having to worry about it being shopped elsewhere. This is an unusually low end exclusive. Perhaps one they intend to use for advertising purposes, with no intention of selling. They are famous for their bait and switch tactics. They are one of the few mattress chains with an F rating with the BBB and a rap sheet with the Attorney General's office. However, if you can get those scoundrels to actually take the sale, it's great value. Be careful of all the add-on charges. Once they start piling on the extra fees for this and that, it may not be such a good buy. But, it's certainly worth exploring. 

Thanks, Pete
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