Sealy SpringFree Beachside latex mattress

 Ty writes:

Hi Peter, Thanks for the terrific service you provide via this blog. My wife and I are looking to replace our 14 year old very firm innerspring. I'm getting some shoulder and hip pain plus regular morning back pain due to the divots. Though it's been a wonderful relationship, we're ready for something new. I'm pretty skinny, so am looking for something firm enough to provide support and keep us from sinking in too far or rolling into each other, but want enough cushion to prevent the hip and shoulder pain. Does your Beachside fit the bill? 

Thanks, Ty

Hi Ty. 
It sounds like the Sealy SpringFree Beachside latex mattress would be a good fit. It's comfortable without being too soft. The latex does a great job of relieving pressure points...and it hols up well.

Thanks, Pete
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